In living systems, negative entropy is often associated with the processes of growth, development, and reproduction. hese processes involve the conversion of energy and matter into complex, organized structures and the maintenance of these structures over time.
The driving forces of life are intimately connected to the concept of negative entropy.
At the molecular level, the driving forces of life are powered by a number of complex biochemical reactions that are tightly regulated by the cell. These reactions involve the transfer of energy and matter between different molecules and cellular compartments, and they are crucial for maintaining the organization and function of the cell.
Vita Vi or Life Force represents our novel and profound approach to natural medicine. Vita Vi embraces the foundations, the most important properties of the force of life to grow to live to prosper.
Vita Vi these most important foundations are:
Trace minerals, micronutrients – A rich 4 different set of combination natural and highly bioavailable trace minerals and micronutrients lay down their unique and complementary important role in life.
Osmolality – Osmosis is essential part of life. (The absence of osmosis is a sign of death in living organisms) The effect of osmosis helps the nutrients and oxygen inside the cell walls.
Water – Life doesn’t extist without water. Not drinking enough water is a mayor problem Vita Vi improves the quality of your water just 1 drop of the Vita Vi is enough to a glass of water.
Complex Natural Living Vitamin C – Vitamin C is key, is so important and also has bioenergetic importance in the human body.
Zeta Potentization – Natural energetic enhancement helps to charge, improve quality and embrace the organic compounds, add electrons and improve bioavailability.
QBES – Quantum Biofeedback Energetic Supercharging technology – Advanced Quantum Biofeedback Frequency spectrum used for furher charging the remedy.
QQC – Double Quality Control – Comparing the signatures for standardization and for Quantum Biofeedback signal translation.
1 Drop into your drinking water.
Side effects: none