"Nature is doing; Man is guessing. Only nature knows." - Professor Desire Dubounet: Promorpheus|info@onlynatureknows.com

VirX C2020


A friend of mine in China sent me the nosode, We tested it in the QQC Electronic Tongue and got it’s trivector signature. This was added to the matrix and it allowed the results. Please realize that the electrical stimulation of the trivector signature will NOT Repeat NOT make antibodies form — this nosode will do that could give you some type of immunity along with the herbs and other homeopathics.

The VirX has a nosode part for antibody production, has another immunization improving homeopathic part to improve the WBC motility and has an herbal part to improve overall antibody production (sambuca) boost up the immune system (echinacea) +provide protection at early stage of viral infections (sambuca honeysuckle echinacea). Also this combination is something you can take for long term without any side effects. (the sambuca species is not the european which has side effects, I’m using the Chinese red elderberry from TCM)

VirX C2020 is potentized.

VirX C2020: 10 drops 2 times a day out of meals under the tongue



30 ml ~ 1 fl oz Liquid Herbal Tincture