"Nature is doing; Man is guessing. Only nature knows." - Professor Desire Dubounet: Promorpheus|info@onlynatureknows.com

Bulletproof your system


3 Oxystim Sport Formula (3x 150 tablets) + 2 VirX C2020 (2x30ml) nosode remedy in one package
For one person covers ~ 3 months

VirX C2020: Preparing and during the Flu season should be like this: Take two bottles VirX C2020 in two months then pause for a month then take 1 bottle pause for a month then 1 bottle again…

Oxystim Sport Formula: 1 bottle per month ~ 4 tablets / day in the afternoon out of meals.




VirX C2020:

Regarding to newest research and reports there is a chance that the body cannot hold antibodies against the COVID19 for long time. With Desire’s previous homeopathic immunization experiments took 3-4 weeks to improve the immunity of patients and it lasted for another month or so.

The VirX has a nosode part for antibodies, has another immunization improving homeopathic part to improve the WBC motility and has an herbal part to improve overall antibody production (sambuca) boost up the immune system (echinacea) +provide protection at early stage of viral infections (sambuca honeysuckle echinacea).

Also this combination is something you can take for long term without any side effects. (the sambuca species is not the european which has side effects, I’m using the Chinese red elderberry from TCM)

Oxystim Sport Formula: 

Scarring of lung tissue (Pulmonary fibrosis) can caused by: inhaling toxic materials (asbestos), smoking, pneumonia, cytokine storm caused lung tissue injury etc..

Scarred tissue in the lungs is an inactive surface where the lungs cannot absorb oxygen while breathing.Professor Desire Dubounet has a rare lung condition she inhaled beryllium while spindling a sphere (made from beryllium) in order to create part of the navigation system for the Apollo project. Inhaled beryllium causes lung damage and scarring of the lungs. Her scarring got worse over the years Desire’ quickly responds to the B15 with improved Mental acuity and better breating therefore she takes it every day.

People who suffer from Covid-19 disease caused by coronavirus has severly decreasing amount of oxygen and what doctors reported the cause of death by Covid-19 is drowning. People who recover reported to have holes in their lungs and scarring (fibrosis) develops which probably will cause, decreased absorbtion of oxygen, asthmatic and COPD like conditions in the future.

Supply Oxygen, improve oxygenation, improve asthmatic conditions, bronchitis, quality breathing with B15 Vitamin and additional Oxygenators
Oxystim is useful at any stage of infection without side effects.
For recovery and for increasing immunity, prevention

Oxystim Sport Formula has a balanced mixture of Oxygenators for the strongest effect With the natural B15 according to Professor Desire’s old recipe.